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Aug 28, 2023
'Emergent and transactional': How Jonathan Green is Rethinking Autism and Interventions
Jonathan Green is professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom and an honorary consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist. He is also a long-practicing clinician. In this interview, he discusses the genesis of his recent article, “Debate: Neurodiversity, autism and healthcare,” and how it has been received by colleagues and the neurodiversity self-advocate community. There have been two commentaries published in response to Green’s article, with a third still in production.
Mar 27, 2023
Pediatric Autism Communication Therapy Improved Long-Term Child Outcomes
Pediatric Autism Communication Therapy is currently the only scientifically evidenced early social communication intervention to demonstrate long-term improved child social communication outcomes into middle childhood.
Jun 18, 2022
We Should Tell Children They Are Autistic As Soon As Possible
Many parents in our community feel they don’t know the “right” way or time to tell autistic children about their autism. For this reason, we are grateful for a recent study showing that “it is probably best to tell people they are autistic as soon as possible.” We talked with Bella Kofner, an author on the study who is also autistic, about what the study reveals; the personal experience of being told about one’s own autism; why it is crucial for autism research to include autistic direction; and some takeaways for both parents and/or autistic people themselves.